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Ships! Rivers! Wild oceans and stormy seas! Oh, have we got a nautical selection for you, mateys!

Let’s start with our old friend Thorgal, back in the adventuring saddle after his youngest son was kidnapped by mysterious mages. We get to see how our mariner friend – he is a Viking, after all – fares on a dangerous icebound river, while his other son Jolan learns more about his own destiny. Epic and exciting, as always with Thorgal!

From frozen to sweltering, we head next to Amazonia, where British agent and alien expert Kathy Austin must now travel further up the mighty Amazon and enter the rainforest proper to continue her investigation. Leo and Rodolphe weave an intriguing mystery, but kudos to Bertrand Marchal’s art – his claustrophobic rendition of the Brazilian jungle is so on point you can practically feel yourself start to sweat as you read …

Finally, at the end of every river, eventually there’s the sea, and that is forever the domain of Redbeard. There’s hidden treasure to find, and the crew of the Blackhawk head to Tortuga. But there’s a sorcerer involved, and Mami Wata, goddess of the sea and mistress of the elements, may well lay down her wrath on those impudent enough to defy her …

August with Cinebook – books ahoy!

Amazonia 2
Bertrand Marchal, Leo & Rodolphe

Episode 2

On the trail of the bizarre, potentially alien creature photographed in Brazil, Kathy Austin has reached the isolated mission where the photographer died. Unfortunately, the road forward leads into the heart of the rainforest and the territory of extremely hostile natives … Read more

Redbeard 3
Stefano Carloni & Jean-Charles Kraehn

Mami Wata

Redbeard is in Tortuga, once a free haven for pirates, now a French colony. Here he hopes to find his old nemesis Morgan’s hidden treasure. His only clue is a name – Mami Wata. But Mami Wata is a Vodou goddess, the Mother of Waters …

Thorgal 25
Grzegorz Rosinski & Yves Sente

The Blade-Ship

While Jolan and his companions finally learn from Manthor what their grand destiny will be, Thorgal is still on the trail of the men who kidnapped his other son, Aniel. Along with jolly mercenary Petrov, he sails down a frozen river aboard a Blade Ship – a trade vessel equipped with heavy metal blades to break the ice … Read more

Buck Danny Classics 8
The Eagle’s Nest

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, use this handy Read more  

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