Deux articles ont paru en début de semaine relatifs à la décision du Président de la République d’annuler le projet de taxe foncière additionnelle réservée aux non résidents. Ils font suite à l’article du Times, publié le 10 juin 2011, “France ready to beat retreat over tax on second homes” qui, le premier, a repris mes propos. En effet, je souhaitais rassurer sans attendre les personnes affectées par ce projet.

Je suis heureux et flatté d’observer que mon blog est suivi par les médias britanniques : “Olivier Cadic, who represents the UK for the Council for French Abroad, and a vocal opponent of the tax since it was first proposed, said on his blog ( following the announcement “I am very happy with the decision, which will be a huge relief to non-residents with a second home in France.” He goes on to say: “I think 18th June was a particularly good choice of date for the tax to have its Waterloo!” (article “U-turn on holiday home tax sparks relief” dans French Property News)

Je suis également content que mes propos n’aient pas été édulcorés ! : “Olivier Cadic, a member of the Council for the French Abroad, said Mr Sarkozy had also realised the law would have been ‘electoral suicide’ as French expatriates will be able to elect MPs for to parliament next year. “All those French living abroad with homes in France would have been scandalised,” he said. He also faced the threat of opponents taking their case to the European courts, arguing the tax is discriminatory.” (article “Nicolas Sarkozy drops controversial tax on second homes in France” dans le Telegraph)

Photo Flickr de Dweinberger